Orleans Tours & Step-On Guides

Walking Tours

Walk a little to see a lot
Dining in the French Quarter

Our bus tours of historic New Orleans give every visitor a thirst to know more.  There’s likely to be a garden or grotto behind every gate in the 200 year-old French Quarter homes. Satisfy your quest for knowledge and adventure when you put on your walking shoes!

French Quarter Walking Tours

Fritzel's Jazz Club in the French Quarter

Visit the tarot readers, artists, and musicians on Jackson Square.  Browse around at the Pharmacy Museum with its antique soda fountain and vast collection of old-timey medicines, including leeches! Peek inside Hové Parfumeur and have a scent blended especially for you. Art galleries, world-famous taverns with classic cocktails, regular people walking dogs, gift shops galore, the Old Mint Museum, and plenty of restaurants. Walking tours are usually 2 hours, but you can stay longer!

Cemetery Tours

Lafayette Cemetery in New Orleans

A recent visitor said, “We loved our cemetery tour! Informative and entertaining. She shared wonderful stories of the history of the people of New Orleans and their final resting places. We thoroughly enjoyed our tour!”

Most of New Orleans famous resting places are ‘cities of the dead’, filled with rows of mausoleums of legendary New Orleans folks – like Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau, as well as ordinary citizens. See tombs adorned with carvings of angels, religious symbols, and plaques honoring the deceased. Even Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage wants his final resting place to be here – his tomb is unlike anyone else’s.  You’ll be amazed!

Take a Walking Tour for more insights into New Orleans history and culture

Call or Email Orleans Step-On Guides and Tours

504 296-2513