Orleans Tours & Step-On Guides

All About Orleans Tours and Step-On Guides

Why you should experience New Orleans
New Orleans riverboat

You only live once, so do it in style in New Orleans.  Bring your camera and sense of adventure! Then set out to experience all the sights and sounds you’ve heard about for years. Picture yourself in front of Saint Louis Cathedral with horse-drawn carriages passing by. Get a pic of the majestic live oaks sweeping low over Saint Charles Avenue or one of New Orleans’ iconic ‘bead trees’ – found nowhere else but here.  Taste our delicious foods and pick up a box of jambalaya mix so you can re-create your new favorite dinner at home.

Ask your tour guide how to pronounce all those funny street names.  Find out what to reply when somebody offers to guess ‘where you got dem shoes.’  Why are there no built-in closets in really old French Quarter homes? Candy Kagan knows and so do the other tour guides.

Orleans Tours and Step-On Guides makes it easy to have the most enjoyable and informative tour ever.  In addition to English, you can request a guide who speaks French, Spanish, Portuguese, or German.  Competitive pricing too!

Oysters on the half shell in New Orleans

New Orleans oysters on the half-shell

Native New Orleans species - the bead tree

A New Orleans bead tree

Roots of mighty oak trees in New Orleans

Children playing on the roots of a mighty oak tree

Your adventure begins when you contact Candy Kagan

Call or Email Orleans Tours and Step-On Guides

504 296-2513